Confusion is natural. And we as humans are equipped to handle it. Many of us are not clear as to how.
The framework I am sharing removes confusion.
It is a Confusion Removal Framework. CRF. 🙂
This removal of confusion, by definition, leads to more clarity. And more clarity leads to not only better decisions, it also leads to better execution.
Before sharing this, it is important we understand an assumption we are making. The assumption is that you are confused about doing something. You are not curious about a concept or exploring new avenues. No. That’s important in it’s own right. But this is not that.
This is “I want to do this, but I don’t know exactly how”. The intention is to take action, no matter how “light” or “shallow” you feel that intention is, but as long as you want to take action and you are confused, this framework applies.
Also an important reminder on time: The clock keeps ticking. You have control over everything in a situation, but you won’t have any control over time passing. So speed is important.
Know that your decision will not be perfect, because it will feel rushed. And in many cases, that is ok.
A Refreshing Framework for Removing Confusion
- Observe.
- Collect data.
- Score your current situation.
- Explain the problem clearly. Write it down.
- Orient. Get perspective.
- Describe the consequence of doing the thing, specifically for you and your life
- Describe the consequence of not solving the problem, specifically for you and your life
- Prioritize
- Now re-see the problem you explained in step 1. Ask yourself, “what steps I need to take to solve this problem right now?”
- Write down those steps. Dont’ think about them. Write. Them. Out.
- Now prioritize the list. What out of those steps is the most important to solve the issue? If your list does not have a priority – if you think step 3 is as important as step 1 – then you are not scoring correctly. You do not have priorities. That’s unacceptable. Make the list, and prioritize it. What is the first step you need to take?
- Act
- Do that step.
- Can’t do that step now? Schedule it. So it gets done.
Speed is important. To have great results, having a better list of actions to take makes a great difference. That’s why good teachers are so important in anything we do in life. That’s why “find teacher” is the first step in many of our projects.
After you’ve done that, the source of confusion is fear.
The Source of Confusion in Our Lives
Fear is what holds us back. Fear is what is holding you back.
You know the steps to take, don’t you? If not, then the first step to take, is to find out the steps to take.
Once you have the steps, the fear will start playing up again. And that’s fine. Expect fear to show up.
It is time to be brave. Bravery is taking action in the presence of fear.
People who take action without fear are never brave, they are simply uninformed.
The final, and the fifth step is to be brave.
You are designed to be brave.
Be brave my friend. Bismilla.