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Mohammad Khan

Writer & Coach

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How to Discover Your Own Weakness (before others tell you about it)

How to Discover Your Own Weakness (before others tell you about it)

It is best to know HOW to discover your own weakness. To do that, we must discover how to focus on all areas of life to have a full, complete life. When others tell us about our weakness, we tend to get more defensive. Our ego kicks in. But controlling our ego and having an “honest” conversation with ourselves is super beneficial inshAllah, in making us see our own weaknesses.

How to Overcome Inferiority Complex in the Digital Age

How to Overcome Inferiority Complex in the Digital Age

Nauman asked this question over at YouTube: I'm in inferiority complex or a victim of inferior psychology due to چکا چوند کر دینے والی میڈیا psychology plz guide how to get rid of it completely This is such a big issue and something that I have faced as well. Social...

How much talent is required for success

How much talent is required for success

What is the basic definition of talent? Let us argue from first principles. The fundamentals! What is talent? It usually means that the person a default configuration. He or she has the genetics for it. When we say someone is talented, we usually mean that person has...

5 Simple Steps to Remove CONFUSION from Your Life

5 Simple Steps to Remove CONFUSION from Your Life

Confusion is natural. And we as humans are equipped to handle it. Many of us are not clear as to how.The framework I am sharing removes confusion. It is a Confusion Removal Framework. CRF. 🙂 This removal of confusion, by definition, leads to more clarity. And more...

Omair Bangash on Entrepreneurship, Startups and Restaurants

Omair Bangash on Entrepreneurship, Startups and Restaurants

If you want to start your own side hustle and unlock your full potential, join me in my annual membership and start your journey: https://momekh.com/mpm/ I have the pleasure of having a gupshup session with none other than Mr Omair Bangash. Omair is the co-founder of...

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