what is self help

Resources for the Disciplined Creative

The published writer scolds the erratic painter, “you should be more disciplined about your painting. You hardly finish any work, and move on to the next one. And you don’t even publish your art, how can you even call yourself an artist?”

This is the conversation I have with myself. I was a published writer (articles, books and a song!), but my “painting” was no where to be found. Yet I would doodle more than I’d write.

This section is a collection of resources that helped me, and now help countless other creators, on how to:

– find more discipline for their creations

– build a brand online, so their art gets “published” and is taken to the market!

I have almost 300 videos on YouTube around these two subjects. And countless articles. That’s a lot of content. So I have tried to put the guides, the tools, the workshops, the articles together on this page. Hope this helps, yes? 

Most articles are in English, most videos are in Urdu.

These are hand-picked, proven, field-tested material that has been shown to work! I wish you all the best! Do join our community if you want regular updates when such content is added!

Productivity for Artists (Creatives, Creators)

How to structure your self to produce more of what you want to produce!

The African Adventure / The Leverage Experiment

I can complain right now about how things are not going well. For my country Pakistan. The load shedding (power cuts) alone is enough to send chills down one’s spine – metaphorical chills as otherwise it’s hot and humid. The economy is down the...

How to Get Ideas

Ideas can change everything. A little neuron firing in your head and you are a different person, living a different life, climbing higher mountains and making better friends. But what do you do when you don’t have any new ideas? Or the ideas that you have are...

How I (Almost) Wrote This

When in doubt, just write anything that comes to mind. I think that is one way to keep the pen moving. But is that an effective way to write? What about the quality? Don’t you want quality over quantity? This debate of effectiveness vs efficiency is a valid one....

Are you afraid?

I can’t do that: I am too lazy. I can’t do that: I am not capable. I can’t do that: I don’t have the resources. I can’t do that: I don’t have the time. I can’t do that: I am not good enough. It boils down to fear: fear of not...

Reader Question: How to Get More Out of Life

I got the following email from a reader of this blog:Assalam-o-Alaikum Momekh,I am female and I am from Pakistan and working as SSE (senior software engineer) in one of the software houses of Pakistan. I am working since 7 years. These days I am really struggling to...

Finding The Good

The flight was delayed and the airport was overcharging as usual. Bought a book, a cheap print of Coelho’s The Valkyries. The salesman at the well-stocked bookstore told me, “we are 20% more expensive than the market”. He seemed pretty OK with that....

Building a Brand and a Business for Artists (Creatives, Creators)

Discover the fundamentals of brand building, how to go about creating your community of “1000 true fans” and building a meaningful, high-impact online business for yourself.

That Fateful Cup of Tea

That Fateful Cup of Tea

The following is taken from the Milk Distribution Case Study, a detailed breakdown of how one can start their own small milk brand. Read more about that here.+++200 kilometers away from home, my Mehran parked under the shade, I watch as the tractor pulled away. The...

Women who work

Got a call yesterday. A gentleman from Sahiwal. Introduced himself. Then he told me about her niece. “Her dream has been to start a dairy farm!” he chuckled. “But Khan sahib, she reads your blog and has a question, can you please talk to her?”...

The First LifeETC Local Meetup. In Lahore

These are all people who are doing something and now want to do something more! Add more adventures, more awesome into their lives. 🙂 The scale of what you are doing doesn’t matter: one runs a site with 25,000+ paying members, one has the largest selling design...

What happened in Peshawar (did not stay in Peshawar)

A bus ride from Lahore to Peshawar, non stop, takes you 6 hours. Riding the mighty and monotonous Motorway from Lahore to Islamabad, then to Peshawar, I slept most of the time. Well, tried to. Two guys at the back were talking loudly, in Pashto. I don’t understand the...

Let us meet.

Are you a lettuce or an apple? A lettuce will take three months to grow and you can use it in a salad. That is why it’s commonly called salad leaf. Now once the lettuce has been used, you need to replant a new one. Salad leaves are healthy and quick to grow. An...

Adventures ahead (what do you think of the last idea?)

Things are getting tough. I like that. Here is a list of adventures planned for the next few days! Praise the Lord!   Subscriber Toolbox for LifeETC blog I am working on two things right now, to include in the Subscriber Only Toolbox: The Blog As A Business...