what is self help

Resources for the Disciplined Creative

The published writer scolds the erratic painter, “you should be more disciplined about your painting. You hardly finish any work, and move on to the next one. And you don’t even publish your art, how can you even call yourself an artist?”

This is the conversation I have with myself. I was a published writer (articles, books and a song!), but my “painting” was no where to be found. Yet I would doodle more than I’d write.

This section is a collection of resources that helped me, and now help countless other creators, on how to:

– find more discipline for their creations

– build a brand online, so their art gets “published” and is taken to the market!

I have almost 300 videos on YouTube around these two subjects. And countless articles. That’s a lot of content. So I have tried to put the guides, the tools, the workshops, the articles together on this page. Hope this helps, yes? 

Most articles are in English, most videos are in Urdu.

These are hand-picked, proven, field-tested material that has been shown to work! I wish you all the best! Do join our community if you want regular updates when such content is added!

Productivity for Artists (Creatives, Creators)

How to structure your self to produce more of what you want to produce!

5 Steps to make it EASY to talk about money

Thinking about money got me thinking about toasters. You see, I’ve got a question for you: is money the root of all evil? Aren’t people – people making choices, albeit poor one – are the root of evil? Yes, they use money to “express” their...

Why Most People Die at Age 25?

Watch the video and leave your answer in the comments below (one lucky winner will win a virtual high five and a chance to give high fives to 5 other less lucky winners) Life means growth. No growth means there is no life. Here’s the quote: Some people die at 25...

Here’s How the Good Guys Can Stop Finishing Last

There is a scene in the Avengers movie, where Bruce Banner – the guy who turns into the Hulk – is asked, “how did you finally control your anger and can now turn into the Hulk on cue?” Now all through the movie, he is asked this question, and just before...

New Year’s Video Message

I recorded a quick video message for the New Year. Do you make new year’s resolutions? Then you will find the following video very helpful: Now… The dangling question is, “how can you achieve those goals?” Making new year’s resolutions...

Steve Job’s Best Advice

Steve Jobs captures the essence of how to bring about massive change in your life. http://var/web/site/public_html.youtube.com/watch?v=UvEiSa6_EPA   In the above clip, Steve says: When you grow up you tend to get told the world is the way it is and you’re...

The Habits of Highly Boring and Mediocre People

The path to a risk-free, boring, mediocre life in these easy steps: Always have something to complain about. Look for faults in others. In fact, consider “fault finding” a part of your job! Accept whatever you are told without asking for “verifiable” sources. Tell...

Building a Brand and a Business for Artists (Creatives, Creators)

Discover the fundamentals of brand building, how to go about creating your community of “1000 true fans” and building a meaningful, high-impact online business for yourself.

A Big Mistake When Starting a Business

Are you making this mistake when starting out your own business: LINKS mentioned in the Video: ☆ Find Your Business Action Plan: https://mmkh.co/2hGv0E7 ☆ Get access to Free Tools to build your brand, be more productive and discipline creativity:...

Start your freelancing career in the next 20 minutes

This content will be helpful for you especially if you are based in Pakistan. Starting a freelancing (or a consulting) career is usually the first step towards financial freedom. This video is in Urdu/Hindi. Here’s what I realized that changed the way I earned...

The difference between trust and respect

I need to get my vehicle fixed. The mechanic I know, he is skilled enough to fix my problem, but I don’t trust him to deliver on those skills. So I will take business somewhere else. He is a nice guy and all, but I have work to do… There is respect for the...

Why would someone buy from me?

If there is any online business to start, it is online teaching. This business is based on just one of the six most lucrative online business models. You can learn more about the best online business ideas by clicking the link. Online teaching can take many forms: You...

How to find meaningful work

Last year I had an interesting experience. I gave lectures and was invited to speak at different universities. I was talking to students on my main topic of interest: how to do work around things you love to do. I called it get paid to do what you would have paid to...