This Blog is in a competition and Your vote counts!

by | Nov 15, 2011

Best Business Blog PakistanThis blog right here is nominated in the Best Business Blog category at the Pakistan Blog Awards. But it will only win if you head over and caste your vote!

It will hardly take a minute of your time! Head over to this website and rate it from 5 possible stars.

The Awards are nation wide and sponsored by companies such as Google, YouTube, Nokia and Dell!

I am hoping you have found some of the content on this blog to be useful. And I am further hoping that you would vote for this blog.

Thank you and JazaakAllah.


While filing for the Awards nomination, the organizers asked why they think my blog should win. I told them that:

  1. The blog has a very vibrant and varied community of people – readers and subscribers – that number more than 650!
  2. The blog has a free 70-page eBook on earning your first 1,000 dollars via Affiliate Marketing (downloaded more than 200 times, and counting!)
  3. The blog has a post on dairy farming that has over 150 comments and is being photocopied and distributed to would-be dairy farmers.
  4. This blog has subscribers from almost 30 different countries!

But for me – and I told them that – the biggest reason is the kind of heartfelt comments and feedback from my subscribers that I get.

I have people writing to me from Mozambique and presumably, my posts are part of dinner conversations in Peru!

I don’t know, but knowing that you’ve helped people, even in the slightest of ways, have inspired them, even in the slightest of way, is just too good a reason!

And the blog – in its current form – is not even a year old.

I just want to thank you, the reader, for allowing me to make these connections, to learn and to be able to inspire. Totally Awesome. aik dumm fit. Thanks.

What’s Next

This blog has been around for quite some time now. But it was only in the beginning of this year (2011) that I started taking blogging and writing seriously.

The idea was to help people out – the whole for-profit philanthropy thingy – with inspiration and tips and guides, to live a life that is more than just ‘routine’, to be self employed and to get more out of life.

I still have a long way to go. So much to learn. I realize I know nothing. I have already felt like giving up.

But then some of you – my readers – have reached out and left some great awesome feedback, encouraging and inspiring me to keep doing what I am doing, and improve.

Expected Changes to LifeETC.

The official name of the blog is, well, is a long one.

LifeETC: The Art of Creative Self Employment“.

I will be organizing the content (some that I have yet not published!) in channels.

These channels (or categories) will be broad topics that I am personally involved in, and topics that I believe I can contribute to in a positive way, God willing.

One channel will be on Dairy Farming for example.

Another on Online Marketing.

Another channel on Social Media, and another on Blogging.

Another channel will be on WordPress.

And so on.

As you can see, these are some varied topics. The underlying theme of “Creativity” and “Self Employment” will be present in all of these channels/categories.

But they will be separated for a purpose; You!

If I am interested in say, Dairy Farming, I do not want to know about setting up a WordPress blog! And vice versa.

All subscribers will be able to subscribe to specific channels to make their ‘reading experience’ more relevant and inshAllah, more useful. Do you agree?

The subscribers to LifeETC will receive weekly articles and useful links that are centered squarely on Creative Self Employment. And subscribers to specific channels will additionally receive content based on that specific topic. Making sense, right?

And most importantly, I am thinking in terms of a larger community here at LifeETC. People with different interests tied together with a common theme; the theme of being creative, of being self employed.

I am also thinking in terms of setting up a forum around the two most popular ‘channels’. One is Online Marketing and the other Dairy Farming. What do you guys think?

Generally, do you think that the blog is going in the right direction? Is this what you want to see? Let me know either in the comments section below, or contact me online.

And yes, do not forget to vote! It counts! 🙂 (Click here to vote now – will hardly take a minute, thanks!)

Pakistan Blog Awards - Vote

Vote for LifeETC.


About Mohammad Khan

About Mohammad Khan

He is the founder of and publish the award-winning blog Just Add Venture. Google awarded him the best business blogger in Pakistan. Some of the largest corporations in Pakistan hire his services to “unlock their true potential”. His writings, courses and coaching sessions have helped upwards of a million people over the last decade.

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