Just bought the ebook Truth About Abs from Mike Geary. This is in connection with my overall plan to have a ‘wholesome’ body by the end of November 2011 (that’s this year!). This also helps me dish out great content for Gym at Home website and all the while inspires me to keep at it.
The idea behind LifeETC the blog itself is to have a wholesome life, and to achieve and do things differently. Pursuing a target like a ‘six pack abs’ is, as far as I am concerned, something that is far off and unrealistic. And that is exactly why it is so inspiring to me. I have always considered a chiseled body to be ‘overkill’ and have not appreciated the lifestyle that goes with trying to achieve a well-trimmed body. So ‘Truth About Abs’ (along with the whole Gym At Home thing) is my attempt at getting out of my comfort zone, at shaking up things and at doing things differently, all for a clear, well-defined benefit.