Points are awarded for different activities performed on this site.
Each profile proudly displays the points earned:

You can earn Points by interacting here on MPM in a meaningful way:
- Visit this website daily, earn 25 Points!
- Comment on a MPM blog post, earn 50 Points!
- Complete at least 50% of your profile here, earn 50 points!
- Complete 100% of your profile here, earn an extra juicy 200 points.
- Publish an activity post, earn a glorious bunch of 500 points!
- Reply to someone else’s activity post, you get 300 points.
And for Lessons and Courses completion:
- Complete a Lesson, any lesson that you are enrolled in, you get 1000 points per lesson
- Complete a Course? Earn an additional 3000 points! Whoa!!
Invite others to our community, that’s a special reward-worthy act! So:
- Earn 1,000 points for sending an email invite to one of your contacts, to invite them to join MPM (even as a free member!)
- Earn 3,000 points when that invited person actually registers an account with MPM!
This is how the current game is setup, come here often, interact, have fun and in the process, grow your skillset inshAllah. Hope you’re having a great day!
Now leave a comment below, tell me what you think (leaving a comment gets you them Points too! 🙂 )…
What will we do with the Points?
These Reward Points will eventually lead to us using them to purchase products from within the Momekh Store, and can also be used as bragging rights (depending on the mood and time of day etc 🙂 ). But seriously, we will be using them to give a proportional benefit to the one with the most Points.
That’s the game. Let’s play. Bismilla.
All the best and God bless!
great Sir JazakAllah