How to FINALLY find your PASSION (Urdu)

find your passion

Have you seen someone who works with passion? They work differently, right?
They don’t have any issues with discipline… they have the all the motivation in the world!
You look at them, and wonder, “can I find my passion so I can work like them?”

“Can I have that kind of a life? Where I enjoy – no, LOVE my work, AND get to earn a lot of money in the process?”

In this video, I share three ideas that SHOW us how we are wrong about passion… how I have been WRONG about passion , and what is the right approach to being passionate about our work, to living a life of add-venture and to work with excellence. InshAllah.

I also shared some images explaining the three point on finding your passion, on my insta.

You can click here to follow me there.

Hope you like ’em. Let me know.

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