What a week!
My Laptop hard disk finally crashed. It was a long time coming, with the “not so good English” start up message warning me of crash. When I got the message the first time around, I search and found that this one can still last quite some time with this. So I thought, “OK, I will get a new HDD when this one completely crashes.”
I didn’t even take a backup.
And that was OK. Why? Because Dropbox.
Right now, there is 25 Gigs of data being synced. Dropbox still says 25 hours remaining.
Although it did cost me. I ended up buying a Samsung 840EVO SSD. What that means is that instead of a normal hard disk drive, this is a SSD I.e. Solid State Drive. It is much, much faster. So when I click on a program – like Scrivener or Aptana for example – it opens up almost instantly. Nice. I am happy so far with the decision, Alhumdulillah.
But this meant I was “off the computer” for more than four days! Two days were spent with a half-dead, sluggish, no-progam-will-open laptop as I searched for the price and the best HDD. The remaining two days, including half of today, was spent installing applications and waiting for Dropbox to sync the files that I needed the most.
Interesting experience: I made a list of all the software/apps that I’d need. I have 29 applications that needed installation. I have yet to install about 7 of them, the remaining are ready. A bit of planning keeps the jitters away! YAYY!
Anyways, on with the progress report:
Writing: Out of the 9,254 words, I wrote 6,215 words. And that was OK I think, given that once I wrote on a diary with a pencil, and another day I wrote on Google Docs (given my Srivener was not available). I feared that I’d completely lose out on the weekly target. Alhumdulillah
Cakes.PK: The cook just went on a holiday. For a week! When he returns (if he returns), I will tell him that week long holiday with one day intimation should be as rare as the blue moon. The overall orders have dropped somewhat – I think it is more to do with the changing weather (lesser birthday parties in the hot weather of May).
LifeETC/Momekh: Got a hate mail after a very long time. I was getting worried that I usually get “thank you emails”, and not as many “you are a fraud / I hate you” kind of emails.
The person was adamant that I am “very subtle with your articles, although any person with half a brain can see that I am in it for the MONEY”. I replied and apologized, telling him that I didn’t want to come off as someone who is doing it just for the money. I told him money is a priority, but not the first one. The first priority is to encourage others do things differently, to live life to the fullest, just like I was encouraged when I was starting out. Then I silently removed him from my Aweber list. He initially wanted a discount on an eBook.
And on the same day, I got invited to speak at this upcoming Digital Youth Summit (their website is very snazzy btw), arranged by the IT ministry of the KPK province and World Bank. I now am thinking that instead of driving to the 8-hour away city of Peshawar from Lahore, I can ride on my motorcycle. Make an adventure out of this venture. Take pictures. Make videos. Be an overall badass adventurer. Or just take the plane if they’re going to reimburse my travel!
Designed this graphic for the “subscriber-only toolkit” page. What do you think?
DesignByMomekh: Absolutely did nothing for the entire week. This designing is one thing that requires a laptop with the right environment set up. That takes time. Given my laptop heating up and the hard disk biting the dust, it became harder to work on the theme.
But I am scheduled for dinner tomorrow with a friend who has a theme launched on Themeforest with about 50 sales in one month. I plan to pick – naa, riiiip his brains to bits with questions!
Blogstarta: Booyah touchdown I make miracles happen! Aldhumdulillah … signed up a client for Blogstarta COP! COP is Complete Online Presence. The price is 147 US dollars for a year. And I sold it to a friend. I love selling to friends; that gives so much validation to the work (note: not to your “best, old-time” friends though — they sometimes buy from you just to make you feel happy). I also made progress by signing up with UserVoice to handle the support requests. And – inshAllah – the VPS should be launching next week (although my offering is effectively shared hosting on the cloud). So out of the quarterly goal of signing up 5 new customers, I already have 1. Woohoo! Thank you thank you takes a bow thank you.
Looking ahead for a strong week ahead, inshAllah.
This was the week in review. My Friday Refresh
“Adventurer” Momekh, off.