This is your Growth Dashboard with Momekh. We divide our learning in three broad categories.
- Action plans
- Masterclasses, and
- Workshops.
You can navigate to each of them to see which solves your problem, which answers your question. If you have a question that is not answered, please let me know by writing to [email protected] or sending a WhatsApp to our dedicated line 03113MOMEKH. JazaakAllah, and I wish you all the best!
Proven strategies for growth in life and in work
Detailed step-by-step instructions on powerful concepts
How much talent is required for success
What is the basic definition of talent? Let us argue from first principles. The fundamentals! What is talent? It usually means that the person a default configuration. He or she has the genetics for it. When we say someone is talented, we usually mean that person has the genetics for it. Naturally good at it.…