A Keynote on Digital Influence in Pakistan

As a keynote speaker at the 2018 Digital Youth Summit held in Peshawar, I flew in from Lahore to talk about how the modern day creative can leverage the available platforms.

Hearing about the work from someone who is in the field, is always a better approach to giving the audience something valuable. 

Thanks to Saad Hamid for conducting the session.

The Challenge for any Event Organizer

The success of an event or a show is largely dependent on the quality and relevance of the guest speakers.

Given that I have given talks on various platform, this page provides an overview of what you can expect.

This page answers the question: should I be a speaker on your next event? 

Main Topics

Become a ProHobbyist

One’s best career move is to either do what they love, or love what they do. This talk at aimed at helping people convert their hobbies into an online business, a side hustle or a full time career

Blog as a business

How a business or an individual can take an idea and help it spread in the global community that is now facilitated by the internet. It is about going deep in the broadest medium out there

Disciplined Creativity

This talk is aimed at sharing stories and step-by-step systems that help the Creative decide on being more disciplined in their work, and become self-motivated to produce and create

The biggest Risk

A talk at the highest TEDx ever conducted, at 4000+ meters overlooked by the majestic Nanga Parbat.

Blog as a business

Speaking to Startup founders on how their blog can be a source of fresh leads and product development.

Turn Pro with Blogging

Presenting the ideas of the being a ProHobbyist at WordCamp Lahore

Speaking Experience

I speak on social media, personal leadership, adventure and turning “pro” with your hobbies.


  • Was invited as a Digital Influencer to the 2018 Digital Youth Summit  in Peshawar.
  • Was a judge at the Jazz Hackathon startup competition in 2018.
  • I was a panelist at the Blogging panel at the Digital Youth Summit 2014, sponsored by KPITB and World Bank.
  • I have conducted workshop on starting a hobby-based business online.
  • I have been invited on TEDx twice. Once was the highest TEDx talk that took place at 4,000 meters (at Fairy Meadows near the Nanga Parbat basecamp). The topic was “the biggest risk you are taking”.
  • I have given a talk on blogging as a business at Plan9 tech incubator.
  • Numerous talks at universities related to building a community with one’s blog.
  • I gave a TEDx talk on living a life of adventure.
  • I was invited to PTV to talk about starting micro businesses to finance your adventures (we also talked about the triathlon that I ran, using affiliate sites to generate the income to finance that adventure!).

Some videos and pictures from past speaking events:

The TEDx talk on the biggest risk:

20 minutes on PTV network:


A little bit about me

I have been an entrepreneur all my life, starting my first enterprise while in college. I treat each enterprise as an adventure and an experiment, and in the last 11 years, I have had the pleasure of starting and profiting from 17 small to mid-sized businesses. From a dairy farm to hosting business, I now blog as a business.

  • I treat blog as the primary method of building your community. I am fortunate to serve a community of like-minded people who want to do meaningful work and live a life of adventure!
  • I am a published writer with articles and citations appearing in publications such as Spider, The Huffington Post, ProBlogger, Payoneer Blog, Wired, Boing Boing and The Friday Times.
  • Two of my blogs have won national awards as being the best in category (automobile blog and best business blog).
  • I have three published eBooks read by thousands of people from around the world.
  • This blog LifeETC by Momekh is the largest single-author blog in Pakistan. The blog has a combined reach of 10,000 people per month.
  •  I am married and have a family of 4. I am also in partnership with my wife and have helped her start her own blog as a business.

Not-so-little about me can be found here.



    The SITE Entrepreneurship Summit was held at Royal Palm, Lahore




    Hire Mohammad Khan / Momekh for your next event – contact below