Adventures, Challenges and Experiments
Join the Momekh Insider to start your journey to be creatively self employed and live a life of adventure.
3 Reasons for Joining the ACE Newsletter
You want to get real tips and articles on how to be self employed. Being self-employed means being liberated and it means trying out new projects to obtain at least some semblance of financial freedom. From Dairy Farming to Internet/Affiliate Marketing, I try ’em out, make money and report it to you, here.
You will get pretty unconventional and creative ideas on living a productive, optimized life. From 15 Creative ideas on making money to having a healthy, productive lifestyle, all attempts are made to provide a doable plan of action on living a – dare I say it – a wholesome life.
It’s all from the heart. This is not text-book stuff; this is a highly personalized, opinionated attempt at living a life worth living. You may call it spiritual, call it religious or you may call it selfish even – but the development of self includes a clear focus on discovery and on experimentation. And the thing is, I want to share all the good things I find along the way. Hope you enjoy your stay.
And oh yeah, there is a fourth reason as well…
Reason 4: All of it is free. In the words of the mighty Poe, there is no charge for awesomeness. 🙂
Some clarity.
The award-winning blog is called Just Add Venture. When I publish a new article there, I also mention that in the newsletter, so if you want to stay up to date on the blog posts, the newsletter is the best way to do it.