The Labour Movement: What a trade off!

The labour movement in the early 1800’s had the following as one of their slogans: 8 hour work. 8 hour recreation. 8 hour rest. More on the eight-hour day movement here. The day is divided in 3 sections. Work, play and rest. All three are given equal weight....

Force Majeure?

Force Majeure: It is the easiest escape route, you as an individual and as an entrepreneur can take. Blame it on ‘superior’ forces. (Quickly, read the first paragraph on Wikipedia on Force Majeure – it’s alright to not know – now go,...

Why it isn’t easy

Because we have different definitions of easy, firstly, and we really do not know our own selves. To find that something is easy or not, is relative a lot of variables. Picking up a glass of water is considered easy, but if you are tied down or that glass of water is...

From the heart

The first job I got, in as a webmaster, was a case of ‘being hired before the interview’. My friend had his family friends over for a social visit and during the conversation, his family friend mentioned that he was starting an online...