Earn Your First US$1,000 with Affiliate Marketing

A free step-by-step guide by Momekh


What can you do with an extra 1000 dollars? Do you know what I did? I waited till I earned around 1,700 US$ so I can make a business-class trip to Thailand! Woohoo!

You will learn how to earn your first 1,000 US Dollars from affiliate marketing, because in this ebook, I have shared exactly what I did.

I present to you my realistic guide on how I earned 1,000 US Dollars from Affiliate Marketing.

Are you looking for proof? Perhaps a picture with the check is mandatory?

US Dollars Check from Clickbank to Lahore, Pakistan

My check from Clickbank

And is this just for fun money? Of course not. Although I experimented with Affiliate Marketing with the intention of earning some ‘fun money’, I now have plans to make a significant monthly income from this, God willing.

I wrote this ebook with the full intention of selling it for at least 47 US$. This ebook covers the exact, detailed steps I took to earn money. And I figured; if you will be earning many times more than the price of the ebook, then it’d be a win/win situation all around.

But then I decided to give the ebook away for free to my blog subscribers.

Is the eBook good enough?

You know, some people think that if it’s free, then it must be written badly, or is just bait to read some poorly-disguised advertisement. But this is pure actionable content (I just love the word “actionable”).

Instead of me telling you how good it is, let’s hear it from the people who have read it:

the fact that it’s 72 pages of actual content (rather than just teaser material and a sales pitch) is pretty amazing. I think you just bumped someone else’s RSS feed off of my bookmarks toolbar to make way for yours!
Cory Buckles

Thanks, Cory.

I asked the people who have downloaded this free ebook, “would you still like it if it had cost you, say, US$47?”. And a blog subscriber, Mubashir, emailed me to say:

what you did by sharing it for free is the act worth 47,000 dollars.

OK, so that was really flattering obviously. 🙂

And then there is another blog subscriber, who had this to say:

I’m sure many people are benefiting from your book and must be on their way to earning through affiliate marketing. But then there are going to be people like me who will find themselves stuck at some point and do not feel confident enough or good enough about it.

Which brings me to a very important feature of this eBook i.e. the eBook is not just theory. It is not to be used to ‘gain (only) knowledge’. And there might be a change that you should not download this free eBook…

Do NOT Download this eBook if…

The eBook is all actionable content (there’s that word again) and that means it is based on the premise that you will work at it. It is a workbook in the sense that the book tells you what work you need to do; EXACT STEPS that you need to take to start earning. But you would have to get these steps done.

You will (God willing) learn while you do. Groundbreaking stuff, I know.

So, no, do not download this eBook if you are just looking to read something…download this eBook if you are ready… ready to put in some time, to really want to start earning on a monthly basis. And join me and hundreds of others in treating affiliate marketing as a proper, viable business.

Why I wrote this eBook?

This ebook is the culmination of an experiment that was started around June 2010. The idea was to use affiliate marketing to generate enough money to get me a return ticket to pretty much anywhere in the world. I wanted to show people that it is not that difficult to earn money, especially the kind of money they need to do fun stuff. You can buy your next iPad, your own ticket, or your next career. Career? Yes.

Are you looking for proof? Perhaps a picture with the check is mandatory?

Some Frequently Asked Questions

A 1000 dollars? That’s it? Put more zeros in there and I will be interested

A hundred thousand dollars do actually start from a thousand dollars, believe it or not. So, give it a try. No one earned a million right off the bat. Seriously, no one. So yeah, give this a try. Earn your first 1,000 and do that a hundred times.

This ebook will take you half an hour to read (it’s about 50 pages!), and if you follow what is in this ebook, it will take you anywhere between 3 to 7 days to set up your affiliate sites. How many sites and blogs you set up is totally up to you i.e. how much you earn and how well you do this is up to you.

I know a lot of folks who do affiliate marketing full time, and they make good (300 US$/week) to great (500 US$/week) to un-freakin-believable money from it (I intend of being one of those folks soon enough God willing).

Does this ebook explains all there is to know about online affiliate marketing?

Absolutely, most definitely not! There is no such thing as ‘all there is to know’. You will learn enough to get your started. I showcase a very specific technique using a pre-set list of platforms (WordPress for the sites, Clickbank for the affiliate products etc). The concepts are the same no doubt, but surely, this ebook does not even attempt to explain all methods available.

How did I get the traffic for my affiliate blogs?

This question is asked a lot, “how did you get traffic to your affiliate site?”. I did not spend anything on advertising (CPC, CPM etc), and all sales were generated from FREE traffic. But this does not mean I did not ‘work at it’. If you are expecting to earn 1,000 dollars by just reading about getting free traffic, then you are only setting yourself up to fail. Take action, and you will see results.

I got that free traffic because of some basic, simple yet seldom used Search Engine Optimization techniques.

I have more questions, where can I ask?

I have a page setup where you can ask your questions related to working with and earning from Clickbank. Click here to ask your question.

affiliate-marketing-ebook-clickbankAll of this, and quite a lot more, is discussed in this ebook. I fully intended on selling the ebook but then I decided against it. I thought, man, what the heck, I’d give this one for free; more people would benefit from it God willing. So instead of people paying something like 47 dollars, you now only need to sign up for the LifeETC Newsletter. And don’t worry, you can unsubscribe from LifeETC with a single click, anytime, I won’t mind. I am just hoping that my writings on LifeETC are good enough for you to stay interested, God willing (I mail out the LifeETC Newsletter only twice a week, talking about entrepreneurship, blogging, internet marketing, productivity and having fun while doing it all!).