Time Sensitive: Please Read

by | May 1, 2012

I write this with a headache and a sore throat. The weather in Lahore right now is amazing. Summer seems to be nowhere in sight though. Weird.

But I write this because there is not enough time. Hardly 70 hours left.

I have always tried to bring the best content to you. Helpful, valuable, useful.

And I am about to buy this deal. This very easily passes off as awesome.

Are you serious about creative self employment? About starting your own business? Or starting another side project? Then this deal is also for you. I want you to buy it too.

100 dollar Startup Bundle

The Only72 Sale

Every once in a while, the two entrepreneurs Karol Gadja and Adam Baker come out with this ridiculous deal.

They bundle eBooks and online courses from a select few, and give it away at 90% off. Yes. 90% OFF.

The eBooks and courses are theme-based trainings.

If one buys the ebooks and courses in the bundle from anywhere else, it will cost more than a thousand dollars!

But with Only72 Sale, I am getting this for US$100.

The catch is that they offer this incredible deal for only 72 hours. Hence the time sensitivity of this post.

I have bought one of their bundles about a year or so ago. So I know that these guys – and their Only72 sale – are legit.

Note: If you want to see the deal yourself instead of me explaining it to you, Click here to see the Only72 official site. 

Here’s what I’m getting into…

This package contains training in:

  1. Better blogging
  2. Creating a passion-based business
  3. Freelancing, writing and art
  4. Building confidence and courage
  5. Sales and advertising
  6. Technology and systems

This package is geared towards self employment.

A total of 18 Courses and one Hardcover book.

That’s enough material to keep me busy for the next year.

But many courses and eBooks out there are pure junk! How would I know that the material being offered in the Only72 sale is good enough?

Out of the 19 products on offer, let me tell you about the ones that I am most excited about:

  • The hardcover book by none other than Chris Guilleabeau. The book’s titled “The $100 Startup“. I’ve read Chris for over a year and have always commended and recommended his work, especially to writers and blogger.
  • Josh Kaufman’s eBook titled, “The Personal MBA Guide to Small Business Infrastructure“. Again, Josh Kaufman is no stranger to most of my older blog readers, as I’ve recommended his book “The Personal MBA” many times to friends.
  • Corbett Barr’s Blog Starter Pack. Only recently I’ve reviewed Corbett’s course on blogging. Corbett was kind enough to give me access to his master course on Starting a Blog That Matters.
  • How to Make iPhone Apps. This 100 page eBook is on how to start an App business. Some years ago, I remember letting go of this project in favor of another one. I started Dairy Farming 🙂 and told myself that I’ll start the App business later. I am hoping that now is that time, God willing.

Chris, Kaufman and Corbett are three people that I trust. I have been following their work for more than a year now. And my past experience with the Only72 Sale was very productive. This is pretty good.

Click here to get the deal (aff link, but see footnote*).

But of course, that’s not all. 19 Courses include:

  • Pam Slim – Ethical Selling That Works
  • Alyson Stanfield – Turning Your Hobby into a Career
  • Jonathan Mead – Identifying Your Passion
  • Scott Dinsmore – Live Off Your Passion
  • David Risley – Double Your Ad Income
  • Ashley Ambirge – You Don’t Need A Job, You Need Guts
  • Men With Pens – Write for the Web, Guest Posting Guide, Beyond Brick & Mortar
  • Johnny B. Truant – Tao of Awesome
  • Marianne Elliot – 30 Days of Courage
  • Susannah Conway – Blogging From The Heart
  • Brett Kelly – Evernote Essentials
  • Chris Guillebeau – Unconventional Guide to Publishing

If you are serious about creative self employment, about doing the things you’re passionate about, then this is definitely for you.

Here’s why I am standing behind this:

  1. I have bought the Only72 deal before, and the amazing content therein has helped me tremendously throughout the last year or so. In my business and in designing my lifestyle. By God’s Grace.
  2. The people behind the Only72 are all legit. The courses included are of high value and are pretty much given away by the authors (only via the Only72 sale).
  3. If you do not find value in the courses, you still can return the whole course for a full refund.

Click here to get the deal.

Also note, if you have any questions regarding this, you can ask me directly. If you are reading this on your email, just hit reply. Or use the contact form. I’d be happy to help.


* If you buy through my link, I get a commission. I think. I am not sure if the affiliate thingy will work (because they’re using PayPal – enough said). But commission or no commission, it’s still worth it. Also note, it’s not that you will be paying higher if you buy through my aff link. You will be paying the same US$100. Peace. Thank you. And God bless.


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About Mohammad Khan

About Mohammad Khan

He is the founder of Momekh.com and publish the award-winning blog Just Add Venture. Google awarded him the best business blogger in Pakistan. Some of the largest corporations in Pakistan hire his services to “unlock their true potential”. His writings, courses and coaching sessions have helped upwards of a million people over the last decade.

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