The Seduction of Talent

The Seduction of Talent

His walk is a swagger because he knows he’s got it. He doesn’t try hard because he doesn’t need to. He can make your efforts look like child’s play, that’s how good he’s at it. People say he’s the best, people say he will be...

Lets Meetup in Lahore

It is time to meet. This will be the first ever LifeETC meetup. The location will be in Lahore. On March 31st 2012. God willing. Are you coming? Click here to register. Time: 4:30 PM till 6:00 PM Date: 31st March, 2012 Location: La Dolce Vita (in Garrison Golf &...

How to Start Living the Life of Your Dreams

You dream of big things, I know. You want to stop doing whatever you are doing with your life right now, and start doing the thing that you always wanted to do. You seem like a person who has the potential to actually do the things others only dream of. Yet, there you...

The Things You Don’t Have

Me and my friend are working on a new project, here in Lahore. Sitting in the office on the eight floor, overlooking the Gymkhana golf course, we were in the middle of something so important that I can’t even remember what it was. In walks this dude. His CV in...

Are you lazy? You are going to love this

Here’s a prediction: You are feeling lazy right now. You are probably feeling guilty for reading this post instead of working on some other supposedly important thing. What if I can actually teach you to stop being lazy? How to stop procrastinating? We often...

Start an Online Business – Foolproof Strategy

If you are looking for the resource page on how to start an online business in Pakistan, click here. A lot of people have emailed me to ask me “how to start a new, online business?” Some of them expect a straight forward answer, almost like a formula....