The Well-Connected Hard Worker

The Well-Connected Hard Worker

Tell me if you know someone like this: doesn’t work that much, just enough. But the “higher ups” are friends with him, they like him. He gets the promotion. Or you know a hard-worker, who does great work, but he doesn’t know the “right people”, so no one...

Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with THIS

Journey of a thousand miles… Someone somewhere is baking a cake for the first time. The cake comes out OK: it’s eatable. But it tastes funny. On a scale of 1 to 10, ten being the best and one being the worst, the cake is hovering between minus 3 and minus 2. A few...

شوق کی بات

اردو میں لکھنا شاید شوق ہو یا کویی شرمسار سا زوق ہو ان باتعں سے کوؑی فرق نہیں پڑتا، کیونکہ اب اردو میں لکھنا ضروری یے۔    

Simple, Not Easy

I recently had a discussion with Yasir Nisar over a cup of warm tea and hot samosas. Yes, tea and samosa. Yasir is a professional photographer here in Pakistan. His pictures can sell upwards of 50,000 rupees each. Each. His calendar for the next few months, by his own...

A Word of Advice on Words of Advice

A lot of people share and keep sharing Steve Job’s Commencement Speech at Stanford. The official video released by Stanford 6 years ago, has so far garnered 18 millions views. It’s a great speech. If you haven’t watched it, you must. A lot of people...