Do you want to earn money from your hobbies?

If you are interested in learning about the best ways to earn money online in Pakistan, then maybe attending the latest version of this workshop is for you. More details at the bottom of this page. Thank you. I have put together limited-seats workshop on how to take...

I was on PTV Morning Show (OR The Time I Put On Make Up)

I was invited on a morning show on PTV. Here’s what happened: (Can’t see the above video? Then click here) Yes, I know I look weird in short hair. And yes, I actually had to put on make up (BLOODY MAKE UP!!). As you can see in the picture below, I am...

Reader Question: How to Get More Out of Life

I got the following email from a reader of this blog: Assalam-o-Alaikum Momekh, I am female and I am from Pakistan and working as SSE (senior software engineer) in one of the software houses of Pakistan. I am working since 7 years. These days I am really struggling to...

Warning: Please Do Not Follow This Advice

Sitting in the doctor’s office with my elder brother, the X-rays of my knees placed on the table, the doctor was fixing two cups of tea. I was already sucking on the straw, my Pepsi halfway finished. The doctor was my brother’s friend. Me and my brother...