Working from home…(and Corona virus update from Lahore)

by | Jul 19, 2021

This post is part of a larger resource. You can learn more about working from home on the Work From Home Resource page, brought to you by ProHobbyist and Momekh! 

I have been blessed to be #workingfromhome for the past 15 odd years! Here are three tips to get you started…

Upgrade Your Net!

Get a high speed Internet connection. If you stop rolling your eyes… a bad internet connection creates a lot of bottlenecks that will hinder and slow down your workflow

create a space

DECLARE a place in your home to be your office, and give it the full protocol of that office. The myth of “working from anywhere” is just that, a myth. Find a corner, stick to it!

Upgrade Your Net!

Work in chunks of 90 minutes, with a 5 to 15 min break in between. And aim for a total of 4 hours of work max. You will inshAllah see your productivity shoot through the roof, even compared to your 8-10 hour work day!!

And one thing: stop the spread of unverified information regarding Corona Virus please. According to a Hadees of our Prophet PBUH, it is enough for a person to be a liar if he/she receives information and he/she passes it on without verifying it. So be responsible please. Find teachers to distinguish between hype and “haqaaiq”. All the best!


About Mohammad Khan

About Mohammad Khan

He is the founder of and publish the award-winning blog Just Add Venture. Google awarded him the best business blogger in Pakistan. Some of the largest corporations in Pakistan hire his services to “unlock their true potential”. His writings, courses and coaching sessions have helped upwards of a million people over the last decade.

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