I have been using Clickbank for some time now. And I am in Pakistan.

Issues with Clickbank Signup from Pakistan

If you are wondering on how to set up a Clickbank account in Pakistan, read the update below, or watch the video

Updated video below on Clickbank signup in Pakistan

A common problem while signing up for Clickbank from Pakistan:

It seems that you get a “Your account is under review” message while signing up for new account on Clickbank. So far, people who are signing up from Pakistan are reportedly facing this problem.

The solution? Well, let them review your account! If you have had a different experience, share that below for the benefit of the community at large! JazaakAllah.

clickbank in pakistan sign up Signing up for Clickbank from Pakistan

Making Money with Clickbank in Pakistan

This is a Questions and (attempted) Answers page. Scroll down to ask your questions related to Clickbank (especially if you’re from Pakistan).


clickbank in pakistan

Clickbank – I have used this to earn affiliate income from Pakistan and to sell my own eBook. I have since moved onto using Stripe here in Pakistan (yes, there is a workaround to that but it works). I have also used 2Checkout extensively in the past. But now, I use Stripe to process all credit and debit card payments. 

To see some evidence of my experience with Clickbank, see this post here. I ended up earning a decent enough amount (all through affiliate commissions) to travel to Thailand from Pakistan! Alhumdulillah.

How I earned money from Clickbank as an affiliate? How come I got the payments sent by Clickbank here in Lahore, Pakistan? 

What exact techniques I used to set up those affiliate sites? All these questions – and more – are answered in this 70+ pages eBook: The First 1000 DollarsThe eBook is free to download (you will be subscribed to the LifeETC/JustAddVenture blog – but you can unsubscribe if the overall message doesn’t ring true for you).

I also wrote my first paid eBook that I sold via Clickbank. Selling digital products in Pakistan is not only a possiblity, but something any entrepreneur (and adventurer!) must look into: it’s a great way to earn honest money inshAllah.


Why This Page Exists

This page is set up so you, my friend, can ask me any question regarding Clickbank. Just ask your question in the form below.

I will try my best to answer these questions. This is a free service and I make no promises, but because I have done this, I hope that I can help you do this better. God willing.

All the best,

Live Curiously, God bless  and

Just. Add. Venture. 🙂

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  1. a business looking to get more sales online, or
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