Content Marketing
What is content marketing? How can you use to build a powerful and profitable brand?
Content Marketing is one of the core elements of Digital Marketing and is an essential tool for any brand. I hope you find the following articles, videos and workshops useful.
Where is Content Marketing in Your Journey?
When you set out to build a powerful and profitable brand, you need to pay attention to the digital marketing landscape. And within that, you need proven strategies and step-by-step instruction on how to implement those strategies.
Content Marketing and the Profitable Client Journey are two broad, strategy-level concepts that one must fully grasp. And then, these two important concepts inform us on our journey:
- How to build a Social Media Marketing plan that is based on sharing valuable content on social media, that ACTUALLY help you increase your profits. We need to see the link between valuable content shared on social media, and how it increases your bottom line!
- How to build an Email Marketing plan to build a relationship with your Community. Beware of trying to run a “social media only” brand! Email still gives an incredibly high Return On Investment (ROI) compared to ALL social media platforms (check out the Email Marketing Masterclass to start implementing this profitable system in your efforts)
- How to run profitable Digital Advertising campaigns on the best social media platforms for your specific business and brand. This is when you run paid ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. As more and more brands big and small utilize platforms like Facebook ads (especially brands and businesses from Pakistan), you will see that it becomes harder to get a positive return on your paid ads budget. It becomes essential to master this core element of digital marketing.
- How to build your own platform and apply proven methods for Search Engine Optimization and Search Marketing so that your platform and the content it contains gets discovered by your ideal audience. Search Marketing is wrongly sold as “build content for search engines”. A long-term, powerful and profitable brand builds content for its audience, and then optimizes that content to ensure that is is discovered by search engines. All search engines including Google hire teams of professionals to make sure their search results are relevant to people, and if you also make content that is “people first”, you win in the long term.
Articles on Content Marketing
Let us meet.
Are you a lettuce or an apple? A lettuce will take three months to grow and you can use it in a salad. That is why it's commonly called salad leaf. Now once the lettuce has been used, you need to replant a new one. Salad leaves are healthy and quick to grow. An apple...
Adventures ahead (what do you think of the last idea?)
Things are getting tough. I like that. Here is a list of adventures planned for the next few days! Praise the Lord! Subscriber Toolbox for LifeETC blog I am working on two things right now, to include in the Subscriber Only Toolbox: The Blog As A Business...
Work-Life Balance: Why you should not do it
I met an old friend. Works in one of the largest banks in Pakistan. He has a high ranking post: he manages the operations for pretty much half of the country. He told me a little story. “I was at this opening ceremony on behalf of the bank,” he said, “and one of my...
The Labour Movement: What a trade off!
The labour movement in the early 1800's had the following as one of their slogans: 8 hour work. 8 hour recreation. 8 hour rest. More on the eight-hour day movement here. The day is divided in 3 sections. Work, play and rest. All three are given equal weight. Which I...
This was my first business, man.
Do you know how much a SIM costs? You know, SIMS, that small, usually-rectangular piece of plastic that you put in your phone - do you know how much that costs? If you want a mobile connection here in Pakistan, do you know the price you will pay to get that SIM? Zero....
Do This to Live a Boring, Mediocre Life
Beginner's Luck is the ultimate mistress, always there to seduce me into thinking I am good enough. You try something for the first time, and you surprise yourself. The first time I let go of the arrow, it hits the bullseye. The first time I send in an article to a...
Bike Update: Installed them sideviews
Installed the side-view mirrors. The round ones from Suzuki (Ittefaq Autos, on McLoad road). The two, Japan-imported sideviews cost 350/-. Ride comfort: priceless. 🙂 The disc brake (GTO's disc brake) with its own brake lever, didn't have any place to put the Right...
اب میں اردو پڑھنے والوں کو کیا نصرت فتح علی خاں کا تعرف کراوں۔۔۔ بس یہ سنو اور خش رھو! Suun Charkhe dee by Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan on Grooveshark
Welcome BTH Readers
The Well-Connected Hard Worker
Tell me if you know someone like this: doesn't work that much, just enough. But the “higher ups” are friends with him, they like him. He gets the promotion. Or you know a hard-worker, who does great work, but he doesn't know the “right people”, so no one seems to...