Dairy Farming in Pakistan

A dedicated section by Momekh

As with everything else on this site, 99% of the information is free. Please feel free to browse around and learn as much as you can. Many of the tactics can be learnt.


Is this your first time on this site? Then I recommend you read the original article on Dairy Farming in Pakistan. That article explains a lot of valuable decisions. After you have read that article, you can continue to take advantage of this section below. Thank you.

Some of the questions asked here have been answered on this page: Dairy Farming Questions Answered.


Welcome to the Dairy Farming Section.

I love simplicity. And I will try to keep this simple.

Dairy farming business can be divided into three main systems. Each system will have its very own set of processes, milestones and benchmarks. Dividing a project into smaller projects (or systems) helps you focus on each, without feeling overwhelmed. In dairy farming especially, it is very easy to become overwhelmed. Hopefully, not here.

These three systems are:

  1. The Environment: This is the environment of the animals and how you, as a dairy farm owner, plan to manage it. Cooling of the shed etc. Click Here to read more on The Environment of your dairy farm.
  2. Ration / Feed: What are you feeding the animals, and how are you procuring and growing that feed.
  3. Breed Management: Includes the health of the animals. Also includes your own benchmarks of the type of breeds that you want to introduce in your farm. This is one of the most overlooked aspect of any dairy farm.

All three of these systems are equally important and your dairy farm will have a higher chance of success if you get these three systems right.

Serious about dairy farming?

Dairy farming guide by Momekh

Click to know more / purchase

Serious about Dairy Farming? Then you may find The Dairy Farming Guide by Momekh to be useful. I wrote this because a lot of dairy farms get their tactics right, but fail due to bad strategy (i.e. bad mindset of the owner). Click here to know more.

As with everything else on this site, 99% of the information is free. Please feel free to browse around and learn as much as you can. Many of the tactics can be learnt.


Some of the questions asked here have been answered on this page: Dairy Farming Questions Answered.


Welcome to the Dairy Farming Section.

I love simplicity. And I will try to keep this simple.

Dairy farming business can be divided into three main systems. Each system will have its very own set of processes, milestones and benchmarks. Dividing a project into smaller projects (or systems) helps you focus on each, without feeling overwhelmed. In dairy farming especially, it is very easy to become overwhelmed. Hopefully, not here.

These three systems are:

  1. The Environment: This is the environment of the animals and how you, as a dairy farm owner, plan to manage it. Cooling of the shed etc. Click Here to read more on The Environment of your dairy farm.
  2. Ration / Feed: What are you feeding the animals, and how are you procuring and growing that feed.
  3. Breed Management: Includes the health of the animals. Also includes your own benchmarks of the type of breeds that you want to introduce in your farm. This is one of the most overlooked aspect of any dairy farm.

All three of these systems are equally important and your dairy farm will have a higher chance of success if you get these three systems right.

As more content (articles, videos, interviews, books etc) gets introduced in this section, the content will be categorized according to these three systems.

Goes without saying, basic systems such as accounting, human resource management etc are not unique to dairy farming. Advice on setting up these basic business systems can readily be found on the Internet, and besides, business systems are usually a result of the business owners’ personal requirement (and sometimes ‘taste’). Interested in how I set up my business systems, then check out the Starta post to get an idea.

List of Resources for Your Dairy Farm:

  • Want to read about the uniqueness of a dairy farming business, and what are them most important activities that you should look after? Click here to read the answer.
  • Basics of Silage Preparation? Check out this page.

I have inshAllah planned to put up a lot of resources, and linking to them from this page.

Milk Distribution Case StudyHow to start your own Milk Brand? I started a milk distribution business before I started dairy farming. Alhumdulillah, that milk distribution business was profitable in the first month. I have written a detailed case study on starting a successful milk distribution, and how you can start a milk brand yourself. To read more / purchase, click here.

As you can see, this page is a work in progress. I suggest you subscribe to Life ETC for future updates on dairy farming, and how to be a better entrepreneur.