We are organising the second annual LifeETC meetup. This is a short reminder to register early.
The event is expected to take place in Feb, 2013. In Lahore. More details and signup is available at https://momekh.com/meetup/signup/
Last year the seats went out fast, and I had to move the event to a larger hall. People from 5 different cities showed up and it was an awesome mix.
Yes, the seats are limited. IF you are really serious about attending & meeting up with other like-minded independent entrepreneurs and adventurers, here’s what you need to do:
- Sign up and book your seat for the event by clicking the link here. All important updates regarding this event will be sent out to the people who sign up at this link. So if you are interested and will be in Lahore around mid Fed, sign up now please.
- Keep you calendar open for mid Feb 2013.
- Stay awesome
(Note: step 3 is optional but highly recommended)
Everyone is invited. You can bring friends along (but everyone needs to register separately and this time around, there is a small ticket price – see the Sign up page for more details.)
If you are coming from outside the country (which automatically makes you more awesome of course), you can contact me – I may be able to help you make arrangements etc. But you do need to register first.
There are other details that will be of interest to you if you want to come. Updates regarding the Meetup will be more directed towards those who sign up. Click to read more and/or sign up.
Thank you for being part of the LifeETC Community.
And now, I go back to training and writing and recording and organising and stuff.
Do you want to volunteer? If you want to volunteer in helping me organise this event, please do contact me. The selected volunteers will meet once a week (possibly face-to-face but an online hangout also possible) to plan this better, their input will be more valued and they will be paid in cupcakes (if I get them baked in time, otherwise, they’d be working for free 🙂 ).