what is self help

What is Self Help

On this page, you can browse videos, articles and workshops on how to improve, how to be better, how to be more productive in work and in one’s life. Most articles are in English, most videos are in Urdu.

These are hand-picked, proven, field-tested material that has been shown to work! I wish you all the best! Do join our community if you want regular updates when such content is added!

How to Never Have Problems Ever Again

Two types of people: those who say there is no opportunity out there, and those who say there are so many opportunities that it’s hard to pick. Seeing opportunities is a skill. And an easy one. The pursuit of an opportunity, being persistent and showing up every...

The Pull of Work

I have been paying attention to my hobbies lately. This has seen me work like never before. For the very first time in my life, I have worked at one thing for this long. It is paying dividends in terms of happiness (for happiness is found only in progress), and I am...

[URDU] Commenting on Orya Maqbool Jan’s...

Are You a Bad Entrepreneur?

I got an email from a reader who wanted to start a project that he was really passionate about. But he did not have the money to start. He asked me if he can get a loan. In fact he asked me if I knew from where he can get a loan; he was clear that a business loan will...

The African Adventure / The Leverage Experiment

I can complain right now about how things are not going well. For my country Pakistan. The load shedding (power cuts) alone is enough to send chills down one’s spine – metaphorical chills as otherwise it’s hot and humid. The economy is down the...

How to Get Ideas

Ideas can change everything. A little neuron firing in your head and you are a different person, living a different life, climbing higher mountains and making better friends. But what do you do when you don’t have any new ideas? Or the ideas that you have are...

How I (Almost) Wrote This

When in doubt, just write anything that comes to mind. I think that is one way to keep the pen moving. But is that an effective way to write? What about the quality? Don’t you want quality over quantity? This debate of effectiveness vs efficiency is a valid one....

Are you afraid?

I can’t do that: I am too lazy. I can’t do that: I am not capable. I can’t do that: I don’t have the resources. I can’t do that: I don’t have the time. I can’t do that: I am not good enough. It boils down to fear: fear of not...

Reader Question: How to Get More Out of Life

I got the following email from a reader of this blog: Assalam-o-Alaikum Momekh, I am female and I am from Pakistan and working as SSE (senior software engineer) in one of the software houses of Pakistan. I am working since 7 years. These days I am really struggling to...