Die Empty

I have always been fascinated with the variance of life. There is so much on offer. God tells me that all the “Accessories” of this world are for me. I want to embrace that, I have always felt the need to live life to the fullest. It’s the only one I’ve got. Don’t you...

What happened in Peshawar (did not stay in Peshawar)

A bus ride from Lahore to Peshawar, non stop, takes you 6 hours. Riding the mighty and monotonous Motorway from Lahore to Islamabad, then to Peshawar, I slept most of the time. Well, tried to. Two guys at the back were talking loudly, in Pashto. I don’t understand the...

Let us meet.

Are you a lettuce or an apple? A lettuce will take three months to grow and you can use it in a salad. That is why it’s commonly called salad leaf. Now once the lettuce has been used, you need to replant a new one. Salad leaves are healthy and quick to grow. An...

Adventures ahead (what do you think of the last idea?)

Things are getting tough. I like that. Here is a list of adventures planned for the next few days! Praise the Lord!   Subscriber Toolbox for LifeETC blog I am working on two things right now, to include in the Subscriber Only Toolbox: The Blog As A Business...

This was my first business, man.

Do you know how much a SIM costs? You know, SIMS, that small, usually-rectangular piece of plastic that you put in your phone – do you know how much that costs? If you want a mobile connection here in Pakistan, do you know the price you will pay to get that SIM?...

Do This to Live a Boring, Mediocre Life

Beginner’s Luck is the ultimate mistress, always there to seduce me into thinking I am good enough. You try something for the first time, and you surprise yourself. The first time I let go of the arrow, it hits the bullseye. The first time I send in an article...