I hate taqleed. I think it is one of the reasons we as a Muslim nation AND as an independent State, are failing. OR you say Taqleed is what has saved us from TOTAL failure so far. You can only reach the truth if you follow the Great Aalims (Teachers!) of the old...
What is the one constraint, that when removed, will yield massive positive results, in this life and the hereafter? Take your time to find the answer, and then focus all your energies in removing that one, single constraint. Leave all problems aside and remove that...
If you are a writer and a copywriter, a situation like this is a dream come true; you get to define a massive situation spread across a whole country in one simple word. Silly As of now, the whole domain of Facebook is banned. YouTube is banned. So is Wikipedia....
It should have been a non-event. It is not. A group of people somewhere want to abuse the freedom of speech and hurt other people’s feeling, that in itself is nothing new. A lot of crazy people do a lot of, well, crazy things. The problem is the kind of...
It is quite a sorry situation to be in, when all you’ve got to do is think about thinking. Thinking about God, because He just has to be there. It makes more sense that way. If you still fall for the elitist ‘religion is opium for the masses’ crap,...
Hey salaams, Mohammad here. I publish this award winning blog Just Add Venture, and run Momekh.com, the coaching and consulting business helping people and brands grow. I write about personal and team productivity, living life to the fullest and creative self employment. My dream and challenge is to live completely under the graceful umbrella of the Quran & Sunnah, while exploring all that this life has to offer, in hopes that when I meet my Maker - for indeed we all will - I can say, "I used everything You gave me". #Bismilla