One of my favorite definitions of an ‘entrepreneur’ is:
someone who shifts resources from area of low productivity to an area of high productivity
In fact, this is the definition presented by the person who coined the term entrepreneurship.
And I think it is times like these that we need to really kick our resource-shifting capabilities up a notch.
Pakistan has been hit by flooding. Especially in the Sindh areas, in and around the city of Badin.
I have set up a page at Pakistan Flood Relief where I will be putting up resources on how we can help the people in need.
I write this in hope that you, my dear reader, will give your valuable input on how we can effectively carry out this operation.
Please head over to the page (at and let me know what you think. Any special resources and experience you have can also be of great help. Let Us help Ourselves.
P.S. For my readers who are not in Pakistan, your input, donations and suggestions are also more than welcome. I am looking forward to them, in fact. Thanks a lot!