Content Marketing

Content Marketing

What is content marketing? How can you use to build a powerful and profitable brand?

Content Marketing is one of the core elements of Digital Marketing and is an essential tool for any brand. I hope you find the following articles, videos and workshops useful.

Where is Content Marketing in Your Journey?

When you set out to build a powerful and profitable brand, you need to pay attention to the digital marketing landscape. And within that, you need proven strategies and step-by-step instruction on how to implement those strategies.

Content Marketing and the Profitable Client Journey are two broad, strategy-level concepts that one must fully grasp. And then, these two important concepts inform us on our journey:

  1. How to build a Social Media Marketing plan that is based on sharing valuable content on social media, that ACTUALLY help you increase your profits. We need to see the link between valuable content shared on social media, and how it increases your bottom line!
  2. How to build an Email Marketing plan to build a relationship with your Community. Beware of trying to run a “social media only” brand! Email still gives an incredibly high Return On Investment (ROI) compared to ALL social media platforms (check out the Email Marketing Masterclass to start implementing this profitable system in your efforts)  
  3. How to run profitable Digital Advertising campaigns on the best social media platforms for your specific business and brand. This is when you run paid ads on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc. As more and more brands big and small utilize platforms like Facebook ads (especially brands and businesses from Pakistan), you will see that it becomes harder to get a positive return on your paid ads budget. It becomes essential to master this core element of digital marketing. 
  4. How to build your own platform and apply proven methods for Search Engine Optimization and Search Marketing so that your platform and the content it contains gets discovered by your ideal audience. Search Marketing is wrongly sold as “build content for search engines”. A long-term, powerful and profitable brand builds content for its audience, and then optimizes that content to ensure that is is discovered by search engines. All search engines including Google hire teams of professionals to make sure their search results are relevant to people, and if you also make content that is “people first”, you win in the long term. 


Articles on Content Marketing

Payoneer in Pakistan – Problems with the card

Payoneer in Pakistan – Problems with the card

This is a quick update, and the case now seems to have been resolved. But the problem with my Payoneer card started a while back – in January 2022 is when I did what any self-respecting online worker in Pakistan would do: complain about it on Facebook of course....

Start Your Own Teaching Business

Start Your Own Teaching Business

If you want to convert your passion, hobby or skill into a business, I believe that a Teaching Business is one of the best businesses for you. You can become a highly paid coach, a trainer that gets paid corporate rates, or you can have your own group sessions online...

Metaverse in Pakistan

Metaverse has truly captured everyone’s imagination. And that’s the problem: most of the discussions about metaverse are pretty much still at the “imagination” level. What do I mean by that? When was the last time you saw someone with a VR...

How to earn money as a student (5 TESTED methods)

How to earn money as a student (5 TESTED methods)

A 17 year old student of ICS here in #Pakistan asked this question under one of our YouTube videos: As you can see, Ali can sense what’s going on: College degree holders are not getting jobs, so what’s the point of doing a degree if the objective of a...

Fundamentals On Repeat

I always talk about fundamentals. Why? Because if your fundamentals are right, sooooo many things simply wont matter! It’s like you will succeed even IF YOU DONT WANT TO! Because your fundamentals were correct… This picture is an example of a full fledge TREE...

6 Ways of Earning Money Online from Pakistan

6 Ways of Earning Money Online from Pakistan

If you are a writer, baker, photographer, speaker, coach, teacher, or a salesperson or a team leader… no matter which type of skill you have, you need to know that there are at least SIX different ways YOU can earn money from that skillset, especially online! Whenever...

How the Points system works

Points are awarded for different activities performed on this site. Each profile proudly displays the points earned: You can earn Points by interacting here on MPM in a meaningful way: Visit this website daily, earn 25 Points!Comment on a MPM blog post, earn 50...

What You Need to Know

This is especially important for you if you have recently joined our online family, or even if you are an “old timer” here, you will find some insights and updates. First off, thank you for your attention and trust. Please click the video below to watch a...

The 6 Ways To Earn Money – Masterclass

If you are a writer, baker, photographer, speaker, coach, teacher, or a salesperson or a team leader… no matter which type of skill you have, you need to know that there are at least SIX different ways YOU can monetize that skillset. Whenever we think of earning...

The Live Masterclass on Time Management

The Masterclass titled “Organize Your Day to Organize Your Life” is scheduled for this month. You will inshAllah be emailed about the time when it will be released. As usual, I wish you the best and I look forward to helping you achieve and serve with...