How to earn money as a student (5 TESTED methods)

by | Apr 28, 2023

A 17 year old student of ICS here in #Pakistan asked this question under one of our YouTube videos:

As you can see, Ali can sense what’s going on:

  • College degree holders are not getting jobs, so what’s the point of doing a degree if the objective of a degree was to get a job?!?
  • He knows that he does not know… that’s a great sign of someone who is ready to grow! Learning mindset is important, and being humble is the first step for that.

So I thought I’d make a detailed video on the top 5 ways of #earning #money as a student, especially in Pakistan.


I was earning 30 to 50 thousand rupees a month as a student making websites while taking all courses in college. This was around 2000, 2001: A million years ago it seems.

30 to 50 thousand is decent income for a student in 2021, and it was some fine income back in the day as well. Alhumdulillah.

Looking back, being exposed to earning money early, I think I was wasteful and did not have the financial discipline I have now by God’s Grace. As a Muslim, it’s clear from reading the Quran that all things, good and bad, all of them a test of our character… and although I did not “blow” that money away, I know I could have spent it in a much better way. But I digress…

Earning Money as a Student

In the video, you will see details on the following recommended methods of earning money for students (especially in Pakistan). But before that, we need some “mindset adjustment”. Yes, mindset is oversold, but it is still very, very important.

You need to look at yourself as an “economic” product… you are someone who will be treated as such in the market.

So you must always be able to answer the following question: “aap ko aata kya hai?”

What do you know? And as you watch the video, keep updating that answer. This will give you the clarity and therefore the confidence to move ahead and start earning money as a student while still at college, inshAllah.

Earn Money from Your Passion or Hobby

As a student, you can start paying MORE attention to your hobbies, and convert that into:

  • an online business (like an e-commerce store),
  • a freelancing career (or a side-hustle),
  • an online teaching business

These methods are ways of taking your hobby into a business.

You can check out my free training on how to start your online business, especially as a student in Pakistan.

Note: Pakistan is facing the highest inflation rates in history! Here are 3 steps to take when inflation is high.


About Mohammad Khan

About Mohammad Khan

He is the founder of and publish the award-winning blog Just Add Venture. Google awarded him the best business blogger in Pakistan. Some of the largest corporations in Pakistan hire his services to “unlock their true potential”. His writings, courses and coaching sessions have helped upwards of a million people over the last decade.

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