Have you seen someone who works with passion? They work differently, right?They don't have any issues with discipline... they have the all the motivation in the world! You look at them, and wonder, "can I find my passion so I can work like them?" "Can I have that kind...
Heyy salaams! Welcome to the blog JustAddVenture by Momekh. If you are interested in creative self employment to live a life of adventure, you will find the resources on this blog. You really committed to learning and applying? Then join our exclusive group and also get updates whenever I post a new article. Joining is for free. Click here to know more
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How to test if your business idea will make you money (Urdu)
I was once asked to judge start up ideas. We judge ideas all the time, but this time I was asked to do it formally. And truth be told, you can't judge ideas until they are executed. But you can "filter" them. You can definitely analyze your thoughts, and rigorously...
How You Can Start a Small YouTube Channel (in Urdu) and Get Big Results
You want to start a YouTube channel in Urdu? You want to earn money from YouTube? Sorry, wrong question. Once we understand the relationship between your brand and the amount of money you make, you will CLEARLY see how you can start earning money from YouTube,...
WhatsApp New Update
WhatsApp recently made a new privacy policy... and this update has confused people. Yes, confused people. Because what REALLY is happening, and what people think is happening, both are quite different. If you are concerned - or if you know someone who is planning to...
How to Overcome Laziness
Laziness is an old friend. But we don't talk as often anymore. Sick of planning all the time? No results? Same entries on the to-do list? Just reading that is painful, that's how close this can hit home, right? How to overcome laziness? Go through this video, and...
These FOUR Books Changed My Life – Alhumdulillah
Over so many years, I can easily say that these four books have really changed the way I look at life itself. I am grateful to the One Above to blessing me with these teachers! Hope you find them useful as well....
Site Updates
Step 1 is to do the Friday Refresh (3 more steps)
I have covered elsewhere why these four fundamentals of execution are the only things you need to live a structured, disciplined yet creative and spontaneous life: Of these four steps, the fourth is the most important. This is quite counterintuitive. The fourth step comes after the first three, right? But
What do you think?
I am excited about how this looks, that’s the first thing. I also understand “looks can be deceiving”. So I am sharing with you here, what do you think about this? You like the look of it? This is one of the ways I am recording new lessons for the
Letter to Teachers and Coaches
Dear Teachers and Coaches, Are you tired of feeling undervalued and underpaid in the education system? Are you ready to take control of your income and make a real difference in the lives of your students? If so, I have something that may be of interest to you. I am
How the Points system works
Points are awarded for different activities performed on this site. Each profile proudly displays the points earned: You can earn Points by interacting here on MPM in a meaningful way: Visit this website daily, earn 25 Points! Comment on a MPM blog post, earn 50 Points! Complete at least 50%
What You Need to Know
This is especially important for you if you have recently joined our online family, or even if you are an “old timer” here, you will find some insights and updates. First off, thank you for your attention and trust. Please click the video below to watch a few important insights
The Live Masterclass on Time Management
The Masterclass titled “Organize Your Day to Organize Your Life” is scheduled for this month. You will inshAllah be emailed about the time when it will be released. As usual, I wish you the best and I look forward to helping you achieve and serve with excellence. Aameen.