Friday already!
Time to hit that refresh button folks. What commitments need a recharge? Perhaps a revamp?
The Friday Refresh is a small event, that I do weekly. I use it primarily to recharge my batteries (and commitments). It seems to work! I thought that if I brought it to my blog here, you can benefit from a reminder or two as well? Yes?
I wrote a small post on Commitments that you can read here.
Travel: I am now booking my tickets to go to Thailand for a 2 week (or so) visit, purely from the income that I have earned from affiliate marketing.
It started as an experiment (like most things with me), and by God’s Grace, I am now aiming for *ahem* much larger things, strictly from Internet Marketing and Online Business.
How I earned that return ticket was first discussed briefly in this post, and then I wrote the “The First 1000” book that goes in great detail on the steps I took.
Internet Marketing: Totally awesome to see people already using the tips and methods mentioned in my book “The First 1000”. Please people, keep the comments and feedback coming in. The ebook is free to download and is packed with actionable content (it’s about 70 pages long!).
If you want to start internet marketing, check out the new section by clicking here (very much a work in progress).
Or you can cut the theory out and dive straight into setting up your affiliate blog(s) by following the instructions in “The First 1000” ebook (click here to download for free).
Blogging And Writing: I took up a challenge and decided that I would do the 21 or so actions mentioned in this great post by Corbett Barr. Yes, all 21 actions! And write a post on it while doing those actions.
The cool thing is that, by the Grace of God, I manage to actually do those 21 actions. In one sitting! Click here to see how I fared.
In this post, I also tell you how I actually manage to bring the all-too-important accountability into my work flow by using the Friday Refresh posting schedule. Making sense? Read that post to find out.
Dairy Farming: Due to one of the fiercest storms ever to hit Pir Ghani, some parts of my up and coming dairy farm were damaged. But Allah ka shukkar, nothing too serious, as no animals were harmed.
A lot of helpful information is being exchanged with regards to dairy farming over at the dairy farming section of this blog. And now, God willing, I will be pouring in more useful information there as well.
Earning Online: The opportunities are endless, folks. Internet Marketing (including Affiliate marketing) is just one way of earning online. Another very potent method is freelancing.
Around six to seven years back, I remember spending hardly one month on Elance and earning 1,200 US Dollars! Elance is one of the most respected freelancing marketplaces out there.
I have some very inspiring stories to share on earning a healthy income online, but for starters, check this:
If you are in Pakistan, you’d definitely want to check out Salma Jafri’s website WordPL; she is a professional writer and earns upwards of 5,000 US dollars per month, all from the comfort of here home, in Karachi.
She also has the ‘teaching’ bug, and gives trainings on how anyone can start a full-income career on Elance (Now Upwork). Definitely check out her blog! Hope this helps…
LifeETC The Blog: I have been putting in more time on this blog, and some of the comments I have received are very heart warming; they make all of this worth it. Thank you for the appreciation folks!
But as with pretty much everything else, there is a lot to learn, and a lot to do! I hope you guys join me in my journey as I discover and apply more unconventional strategies for work and life. If you have not already subscribed to this blog, then click here to do so now!