5 Short & Sweet Lessons from Einstein
Einstein really was an einstein at brevity. Conveying so much in so little. I saw these quotes by Einstein and wondered how they’d apply to me, and in turn, how they’d apply to you. Curiosity got me this far. 1. “Strive not to be a...
7 Reasons to Quit Your Job (and 1 Reason Not To)
Do not share this post on your company’s network, your boss may find out. If you are a boss, then you should be comfortable that the following reasons do not apply to your employees, and to test that assumption, you can share it. You have been warned. Doing a...How to Start A Business Without Money
How to start a business with no money? (scroll below for video) You have this wonderful idea for a business. You get excited. You work out the details. “Oh, this is going to be it.” You are already deciding how to spend the profits; travel to that...
This is The Most Powerful Story You’ll Ever Hear
From ancient traditions to worldwide religions, from cultural values to family traditions, stories are the primary mode of communication, of transference. You are what you are because of the stories that you end up believing. You got a pair of Nikes? Possibly because...3 Steps to Finding the Right Teacher for Any Project
You will know the fastest way to learn any new project, because these 3 steps will help you find the right mentors for your projects.