
Marketsman noun a person who is skilled in launching a product/service in a market. — Riffing on how Merriam-Webster defines a Marksman as “a person (especially a man) who is skilled in shooting a gun at a target” Came up with this word while writing...

Finding Giants

For my 3 year old daughter I’m a giant. At the zoo, when I lift her up and place her on my shoulders, her world literally changes. She sees what no 3 year old can possibly see on her own. And if there are a lot of people heckling the lion, she sees the lion and...

3 Things to Do Before You Start Your Hobby Business

How do you take your hobby and turn it into a business? We have small cake business here in Lahore. I started this with my partner* last year in September. That business is a classic case-study on how to start a business based on the hobby of cooking. Looking closer,...

The African Adventure / The Leverage Experiment

I can complain right now about how things are not going well. For my country Pakistan. The load shedding (power cuts) alone is enough to send chills down one’s spine – metaphorical chills as otherwise it’s hot and humid. The economy is down the...

Some Thoughts (and one Rule) on Giving Advice

Why is it that others think they can tell you how to live your life? Or how to run your business? Or how to really break your fast during Ramzaan? Or how the way I’m combing my hair is not the best way to go about it!? It can – and does – get...

How to Get Your Articles Published

This is a “how to” story. It’s a story because I will tell you how I got my first ever article published in a national print magazine! I have been published in the largest circulating magazine (at the time) in Pakistan, and also in the largest...