If you could do one thing…

If you had Millions of dollar in your bank account, what would you do then? You would buy everything, and do everything money would allow you do (and that’s quite a lot). Yes, after you’d done all of that, then…what. would. you. do? The answer to...

Lifestyle design: what it really is

Maths. It is about simple 2+2 type of maths. You want money, I get that. Why? So you can have this, or do that. Why do you want to have this or do that? Because you always wanted to. Why? Because you perceive that by having this or doing that, you’d be happy....

From the heart

The first job I got, in JaanPakistan.com as a webmaster, was a case of ‘being hired before the interview’. My friend had his family friends over for a social visit and during the conversation, his family friend mentioned that he was starting an online...