Meet an addventurer! We are introducing Profiles of Addventurers here at JAV by Momekh. I have long wanted to profile interesting people doing remarkable work, and I even ended up doing a close knit meetup this year (more are expected next year). This is part of the...
Kelli Anderson is an artist. She gave this TEDx talk and right at the beginning, she tells the audience what is the purpose of her work: People arrive at experiences with expectations. And when we make things we are actively choosing what to do with those...
Are you a lettuce or an apple? A lettuce will take three months to grow and you can use it in a salad. That is why it’s commonly called salad leaf. Now once the lettuce has been used, you need to replant a new one. Salad leaves are healthy and quick to grow. An...
Things are getting tough. I like that. Here is a list of adventures planned for the next few days! Praise the Lord! Subscriber Toolbox for LifeETC blog I am working on two things right now, to include in the Subscriber Only Toolbox: The Blog As A Business...
Tell me if you know someone like this: doesn’t work that much, just enough. But the “higher ups” are friends with him, they like him. He gets the promotion. Or you know a hard-worker, who does great work, but he doesn’t know the “right people”, so no one...
I am writing this perched over a makeshift work place: a table in front of a bed. I am in Islamabad right now, for the Social Media Summit 2014 that took place at the Serena Hotel. The event lasted two days. I couldn’t make it for the first day: I was happily busy...
Hey salaams, Mohammad here. I publish this award winning blog Just Add Venture, and run, the coaching and consulting business helping people and brands grow. I write about personal and team productivity, living life to the fullest and creative self employment. My dream and challenge is to live completely under the graceful umbrella of the Quran & Sunnah, while exploring all that this life has to offer, in hopes that when I meet my Maker - for indeed we all will - I can say, "I used everything You gave me". #Bismilla