“Know Your Limits. Then Ignore Them.” Complacency should be treated as a sin. It has cost me years in lost time and hundreds of thousands in lost revenue. It doesn’t matter, I say. But I say that because I am good at justifying things to myself. We...
The voice on the other end was female and had a heavy accent. She was speaking in Urdu. Very to the point. No formalities. No run offs. “You said this on your application, please confirm,” type of questions. Felt as if she was reading from a script. I had...
Want to be a better person? The first thing we do is try to change ourselves. Change our habits. We start with the man in the mirror. Make promises. Resolutions. Commitments. Things start moving. A few days into it perhaps, you feel good about it. Then a small hiccup...
Ready to refresh? Here are some links I have curated for you over the previous few weeks. The following is a refresh list of things that the modern businessman, entrepreneur, starta or the awesome person that you are may find helpful. The Mad List by Julien Smith...
Hey salaams, Mohammad here. I publish this award winning blog Just Add Venture, and run Momekh.com, the coaching and consulting business helping people and brands grow. I write about personal and team productivity, living life to the fullest and creative self employment. My dream and challenge is to live completely under the graceful umbrella of the Quran & Sunnah, while exploring all that this life has to offer, in hopes that when I meet my Maker - for indeed we all will - I can say, "I used everything You gave me". #Bismilla