Are you making these 5 Critical Social Media mistakes?

Social Media is what the Internet has become. From housewives (and househusbands!) earning substantial monthly incomes to multinational corporations finding new markets, Social Media has really given everyone a level playing field. You can build your business, your...

How to Create a Company that Can Run without you

That’s the dream, right? A business that works for you and not the other way around. But how do you automate your business so that it allows you the time to do what you love? What’s the point of being self-employed if all you do is get a job in your own...

Being a better writer

Just a quick post to let you in on the secret. Copyblogger, for those of you who don’t know, is a blog that helps bloggers become better at writing copy that sells. If you are not reading it, then you should be. Brian Clark, the founder of Copyblogger, wrote a...

Business Focus – Lessons from Iqbal

Little car trouble + laziness = big car trouble. That’s a given.  You can learn a thing or two about finding focus for your enterprise because as the following story illustrates, a focused business may be the only ticket to success that an entrepreneur...
15 TESTED Ways to Earn Money in Pakistan

15 TESTED Ways to Earn Money in Pakistan

I remember reading about people who have already done what I wanted to do. Reading about it gave me the confidence that “if they can do it, then I can do it too!” I share my stories with you in the same manner – to show you it is possible, and then...