What does a policeman, a school principal and an entrepreneur have in common? We’ll come back to this question later in the story. Meet Zaheer Shah. He works a government job here in Punjab, Pakistan. A policeman, ranked Constable. He is paid a whopping 19,000...
You will know why dairy farming is a good business, and what to look out for when you are starting out, because I am going to share some of my experiences (I was involved directly in dairy farming for three+ years). My first hand experience starting a dairy farm here...
You are alive and not dead You breathe Under normal circumstances, people consider you to belong to the homosapien family of species You sometimes sleep, and other times, you are awake You can be very brave sometimes, and sometimes you are just a wimp No matter what...
I was re-reading Chris G’s great little book “World Domination” (download for free here), and in that book, he asks two questions: “What do you really want out of life?” and “What can you give to the world that no one else can?” The remarkable thing about the...
If you plan to do something, don’t tell anyone till you do it Tell me you have heard this nugget before. And I will tell you this nugget sucks. Here’s what I plan to do, written ‘diary-style’ 🙂 — I have to save enough through my online...
What is the opposite of Love? It is not hate. It is indifference. The simple truth is out there. If you love some one, some thing or some ideology, you have to give a damn. Hate is the other side of the same coin. What is opposite of happy? It is not sad. It is bored....
Hey salaams, Mohammad here. I publish this award winning blog Just Add Venture, and run Momekh.com, the coaching and consulting business helping people and brands grow. I write about personal and team productivity, living life to the fullest and creative self employment. My dream and challenge is to live completely under the graceful umbrella of the Quran & Sunnah, while exploring all that this life has to offer, in hopes that when I meet my Maker - for indeed we all will - I can say, "I used everything You gave me". #Bismilla