What do you think?

I am excited about how this looks, that’s the first thing. I also understand “looks can be deceiving”. So I am sharing with you here, what do you think about this? You like the look of it? This is one of the ways I am recording new lessons for the...
AI Tools You Can Start Using Right Now

AI Tools You Can Start Using Right Now

AI is not going to take your job. Someone using AI to be better, that person is going to take your job. So here are some tools that you can start using right away. These tools will help you with your workflow. If you have any questions about these, don’t forget to ask...

A Big Mistake When Starting a Business

Are you making this mistake when starting out your own business: LINKS mentioned in the Video: ☆ Find Your Business Action Plan: https://mmkh.co/2hGv0E7 ☆ Get access to Free Tools to build your brand, be more productive and discipline creativity:...

5 Steps to make it EASY to talk about money

Thinking about money got me thinking about toasters. You see, I’ve got a question for you: is money the root of all evil? Aren’t people – people making choices, albeit poor one – are the root of evil? Yes, they use money to “express” their...

Here’s How the Good Guys Can Stop Finishing Last

There is a scene in the Avengers movie, where Bruce Banner – the guy who turns into the Hulk – is asked, “how did you finally control your anger and can now turn into the Hulk on cue?” Now all through the movie, he is asked this question, and just before...

New Year’s Video Message

I recorded a quick video message for the New Year. Do you make new year’s resolutions? Then you will find the following video very helpful: Now… The dangling question is, “how can you achieve those goals?” Making new year’s resolutions...