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When in doubt, just add venture cool

Heyy salaams! Welcome to the blog JustAddVenture by Momekh. If you are interested in creative self employment to live a life of adventure, you will find the resources on this blog. You really committed to learning and applying? Then join our exclusive group and also get updates whenever I post a new article. Joining is for free. Click here to know more

Mohammad Khan

Writer & Coach

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5 Traits of an Amateur (DONT DO THESE!)

5 Traits of an Amateur (DONT DO THESE!)

اناڑی بننا ہے تو یہ پانچ چیزیں ضرور کریں۔اور اگر ماہر بننا ہے، اگر اپنا مقام پہچاننا ہے، تو یہ پانچ چیزیں بالکل نہ کریں۔ If you are interested in becoming a professional and then becomming a HIGH PERFORMER in WHATEVER you do, don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter...

How to use Discord in Pakistan

How to use Discord in Pakistan

Discord is a chat application. And you should be using it. At least be familiar with it, if you want to grow your self and your earnings. If you are on a mission to be the best version of yourself (and say "aameen" to Allama Iqbal's prayer of "خدا کرے تجھے تیرے مقام...

Where to Invest Your Money

Where to Invest Your Money

So you have some money to invest, what is the best way to invest your money in Pakistan? I did some due diligence in trying to find the best ways to investing one's hard earned money. I found ways how the super rich invest and manage their money. And I plan to share...

Payoneer in Pakistan – Problems with the card

Payoneer in Pakistan – Problems with the card

This is a quick update, and the case now seems to have been resolved. But the problem with my Payoneer card started a while back - in January 2022 is when I did what any self-respecting online worker in Pakistan would do: complain about it on Facebook of course. You...

Start Your Own Teaching Business

Start Your Own Teaching Business

If you want to convert your passion, hobby or skill into a business, I believe that a Teaching Business is one of the best businesses for you. You can become a highly paid coach, a trainer that gets paid corporate rates, or you can have your own group sessions online...

Metaverse in Pakistan

Metaverse has truly captured everyone's imagination. And that's the problem: most of the discussions about metaverse are pretty much still at the "imagination" level. What do I mean by that? When was the last time you saw someone with a VR headset?

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