Do you want to know about Digital Marketing in Pakistan? In this article (just like in the video), we will have an indepth beginner’s guide to digital marketing, especially in our growing digital economy. Note: if you are a seasoned digital marketer...
I have seen enough people dreaming of travel – men and women – that I think that we should make a plan to finally do it. New year is just around the corner – let’s make that the year where you get to travel to anywhere in the world. Sounds like...
You will find out if the course by Corbett Barr called Start a Blog that Matters is worth your time and money, because I will show you the course from the inside. In this review, I go through the course so you can see for yourself if it can help you or not. I have...
I remember reading about people who have already done what I wanted to do. Reading about it gave me the confidence that “if they can do it, then I can do it too!” I share my stories with you in the same manner – to show you it is possible, and then...
I was at my dairy farm a few days back. I was needed to make a few executive decisions, given most of the decision are delegated to the farm manager. A vet from Nestle was visiting my small farm, and I met up with him to discuss further improvements. He told me that...
Friday already! Time to hit that refresh button folks. What commitments need a recharge? Perhaps a revamp? The Friday Refresh is a small event, that I do weekly. I use it primarily to recharge my batteries (and commitments). It seems to work! I thought that if I...
Hey salaams, Mohammad here. I publish this award winning blog Just Add Venture, and run, the coaching and consulting business helping people and brands grow. I write about personal and team productivity, living life to the fullest and creative self employment. My dream and challenge is to live completely under the graceful umbrella of the Quran & Sunnah, while exploring all that this life has to offer, in hopes that when I meet my Maker - for indeed we all will - I can say, "I used everything You gave me". #Bismilla