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When in doubt, just add venture cool

Heyy salaams! Welcome to the blog JustAddVenture by Momekh. If you are interested in creative self employment to live a life of adventure, you will find the resources on this blog. You really committed to learning and applying? Then join our exclusive group and also get updates whenever I post a new article. Joining is for free. Click here to know more

Mohammad Khan

Writer & Coach

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The Big Eid Everything sale is now over. Thank you for your attention and support. For Eid, ​I have put everything on sale. I was asked this question after yesterday’s email (you're not on the list? subscribe here): What are the details of the courses being offered?...

Make the Perfect Business Website

Make the Perfect Business Website

The website needs to do more than sit there and look pretty. The job of your business website is to increase profits for your business. That's why it exists. Your website needs to be a place of business. It needs to work for you. It's an asset like no other. Then why...

Hobby to Online Business

Hobby to Online Business

Converting your hobby into an online business is a great mission to have. It can be very rewarding, as you already love the work, and now you have decided to get paid for it as well. This does demand that you take your hobby as work, and for many of us that is not the...

Ecommerce Business for Beginners

Ecommerce Business for Beginners

I will share with you the most EXPENSIVE mistakes beginners make when it comes to starting an ecommerce business, especially in Pakistan. So before I do that, I've a quick question for you: Will you treat a 3 month old baby like you will treat a 30 year old person?...

Adding content that you want

We have started a live series on digital marketing, called the 8 Cores of Digital Marketing. These sessions are recorded live, and I invite you to take advantage of them. Join live so you can ask your questions live! You will be getting emails when we will be going...

Vision and Why It’s Not Easy

I have put together a free guide on digital marketing, especially for the Pakistani market. If you are a business and you want to increase sales online, or if you are a looking to get a job as a digital marketer, you will inshAllah find this guide useful. After 10+...

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